You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Managing and Completing Orders > Order Details - Invoice - No Print
Order Details - Invoice - No Print

Follow this procedure when a customer has fully paid their order but no tax invoice is required.

To finalise the order without printing a tax invoice:

  1. Display the order you want to maintain on the Order Details screen.

Refer to "Managing and Completing Orders".

  1. In the Items fields at the top of the screen, select the item(s) you want to finalise.


Technical Tip

Use the Shift key to select several items in a row, or use the Ctrl key to select several items that are not sequential within the sales order.

  1. Select the Invoice - No Print button.

Micronet displays the POS Scheduler Pay screen.

This screen displays any previous payments made for this sale.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Sales Person

Micronet displays the salesperson entered when the order was created. You can change this if required by entering your own salesperson ID, or by deleting the salesperson displayed and pressing Enter to select from a list.


This Payment

Enter the amount the customer is paying now.



Technical Tip

You can enter a $0 amount in the This Payment field to correct a payment method that was entered incorrectly. For example, if the original payment method was entered as CASH but it should have been EFTPOS, you can enter This Payment as $0, enter the CASH value as negative and the EFTPOS value as positive.






Sales Person

Micronet displays the salesperson entered when the order was created. You can change this if required by entering your own salesperson ID, or by deleting the salesperson displayed and pressing Enter to select from a list.


This Payment

Enter the amount the customer is paying now.


[Payment Methods]

If you want to pay the amount received from the customer against a single payment type, Tab to the field for the required payment type then select the Pay All button.

Otherwise, enter the amount received from the customer against the appropriate payment type. You can dissect the amount across several payment types if required, e.g. if the customer pays partly by cash and partly by credit card. Options may include:

  • CASH – enter the full amount or enter more than the full amount for change to be given
  • CHEQUE – enter the amount to be paid by cheque. Micronet displays the Enter Banking Details screen where you should enter the cheque details then choose the OK button.
  • EFTPOS – for EFTPOS and card payments:
  • If the customer is paying by EFTPOS or credit card using Tyro, enter the payment amount as an EFTPOS payment type.
  • If the customer wants cash out, increase the amount entered in the EFTPOS payment type field by the amount of cash out required. The cash out is indicated by the value in the Change field.
  • If you just want to generate a cash out, create a zero dollar invoice with a payment amount.
  • AMEX – see the instructions for EFTPOS
  • GIFT VOUCHER – see "POS Scheduler Pay - Voucher"
  • REBATE - this payment type is only displayed if your customer has rebates activated. You can enter the amount to be redeemed as all or part of the payment. You may need to check the Available Rebates first by performing a debtor rebate inquiry – see "Sales Desk Inquiries - Debtor".

The payment types displayed are setup in your company configuration – see "Edit Company - Edit - Payment Types".


Sub Total

Micronet displays the subtotal of all lines on the order, excluding additional amounts such as freight, levies, surcharges and GST.



Micronet displays any Wine Equalisation Tax that applies to items on the order (liquor industry items only), plus any duty or excise that applies to the order.


GST/Sales Tax

Micronet displays the amount of GST or sales tax applicable on the order.



Micronet displays the order total, taking into account all additional amounts entered on this dialogue.


Paid Previously

Micronet displays the total amount of payments already paid against this order.


Amount Remaining

Micronet displays the current amount owing on the order.



Micronet displays any rounding amount on the order total, e.g. if payments are rounded to the nearest 5 cents or 10 cents.

Rounding is set in the Rounding on Payments field on the Invoicing Configuration screen – see "Edit - Program - Invoicing".


Min Amount Required

Micronet displays the minimum amount the customer must pay.



Micronet displays any amounts allocated to finance companies – see "POS Scheduler Pay - Allocate".



Micronet displays the total amount of the current payment entered against all payment types.

When you have finished entering payment amounts, the amount in this field should equal the amount in the This Payment field.



If the customer is paying by cash, Micronet displays any change owed.

  1. If you want to allocate an amount of the payment to a finance company, see "POS Scheduler Pay - Allocate".
  2. If you use PDAs to capture customer signatures as proof of delivery, see "Applications - Proof of Delivery" in the Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications manual.
  3. When you have finished entering the payment amounts and details, select the Accept button.


Technical Tip

If the amount entered for a payment method exceeds the This Payment amount and the customer is an account customer, Micronet displays a message asking if you want to give change or update the debtors account.

Select one of the following options:

  • Update – opens the Debtors Payment - Open Item screen so you can allocate the amount against an invoice – see "Debtor Payments - Open Item Debtors" in the Distribution System manual
  • Change – give the customer change in cash
  • Cancel – return to the payment screen and change the payment amounts entered.

Micronet calculates the minimum deposit required for the order. This is based on the deposit percentages setup in your company configuration – see "Edit - Applications - POS - POS Enhanced".

If you have not entered the full amount, Micronet displays the following message.

  1. Select Yes to override the minimum amount, or select No and correct the amount entered.


Technical Tip

You may need supervisor authorisation to override the minimum amount.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to invoice the selected items.

  1. If you are certain you want to finalise the sales order, select Yes.

Micronet finalises the sales order and redisplays the Order Scheduler.

  1. Select the Refresh button.

Micronet displays the order you have just finalised in blue text to show that it has been invoiced.